One Crazy Lady

Dirty (Poopy) Diaper Cake

Posted on: July 27, 2010

So, here’s my crazy idea. Is it too much?
I am hosting a Baby Shower, and decided to make a Dirty Diaper Cake.

First I made two 9×13 chocolate cakes. You could make any kind of cake. I stacked them on top of each other.

Then, I made brown sugar frosting. This is from an old Joy of Cooking cookbook. It is 1 to 1 sour cream and brown sugar. Mix together, let sit so all the lumps can dissolve, then stir until smooth. For this cake, I use 3 cups sour cream and 3 cups brown sugar, but I plan to have leftover for something else.

While my frosting is sitting, I cut half moons out of each of the long sides of the cake, so it is shaped like an open diaper. You could trace an actual diaper and make a pattern if you wanted.

Then, I removed the pointed ends off of the moon shaped pieces, and stacked them next to each other to make a box like shape (I’m going to try and make this look like a wipes box)

Here is a picture of where I am so far.

Shaping the cake

Next, I frosted the cake ( I used less than half of the frosting that I made- we will use the leftover to top pancakes, waffles and french toast)

I then took five mini snickers, and melted them in the microwave (about 20 seconds). Then, I mixed in a few cake crumbs: these came from the moon ends that I cut off. I just rubbed a piece between my fingers to get crumbs.

Then, I spread the “poop” on to the diaper.

Frosting the Cake

Almost done, just a few finishing touches to go.

I put it in the frig for a couple hours, which allowed the cream to be absorbed by the cake. This made for a very moist and rich cake, but if I was going to do it again, I would finish it and serve it right away because it looks better when first done. OR I would plan to touch up the frosting.

Anyway, I added little hearts to the corners and wrote WIPES on the little box. Overall, I think it was a pretty great idea.

The dirty diaper cake.

The Dirty Diaper Cake

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